composition contest

4th edition 2022-2024
International contest for composition of educational music Piece for saxophone
For this 4th edition, the competition offers two categories : :
  • the first category concerns works that can be performed by 1st cycle students
  • the second category concerns works that can be performed by 2nd cycle students
Composers can participate in both categories.

Our priority is to offer partner conservatories quality educational works.
To do this, the candidate composers can be accompanied in order to help them combine their artistic ideas with the constraints linked to the educational aspect that the Hélianthe Competition wishes. It is possible to contact us by email at to obtain an opinion or personalized advice on the educational compliance of the work presented before the deadline for submission of works.

The competition takes place over two school years. The first year is devoted to the collection of candidate works and the selection of finalist works by a professional jury. The second year is devoted to the votes of the partner establishments to designate the winners. These two years allow composers to exchange with saxophone teachers and the latter to set up a real project around the competition.

Three winners will be rewarded for this 4th edition. A prize for the winner of each category and a prize awarded by artistic personalities supporting the competition.

Don't forget to read the regulations of the competition and the various documents in download.

Composition contest

Hélianthe’s contest is a competition of pedagogic music composition for saxophone. The jury is the group of students from music school partner from France. there is several goals:

Making new talents emerge

  • Les compositeurs d’aujourd’hui joués par de jeunes musiciens
  • Deux prix descernés selon le vote des élèves, des professeurs et du public
  • Un prix du jury attribué par l’ensemble Hélianthe récompensant une oeuvre audacieuse

Promote the saxophone

  • Des œuvres nouvelles pour saxophone : oeuvres pédagogiques candidates et commandes aux compositeurs lauréats
  • Une sensibilisation des compositeurs aux multiples possibilités du saxophone

Meet the public

  • To offer the public an opportunity to hear new music creation, to discover the composers of tomorrow and meet with creative circles by recording and diffuse musical work to all partners.

Boosting artistic education

  • Un concours que chaque conservatoire peut s’approprier
  • Des élèves musiciens directement en contact avec la création musicale
  • Une occasion pour faire se rencontrer et échanger différents publics grâce à la thématique interdisciplinaire du concours

competition's Process

The Hélianthe composition contest will award three works for young saxophonists

Candidate composers will have until April 30th, 2023 to submit their composition.

the Jury composed by recognized musical experts, will select five finalist composition per category. The selected piece will be created and recorded at the auditorium of the Bourges Conservatory on June 27, 2023. On this occasion, the composers will be invited to present their piece during the event.

The recordings and scores will then be made available to partner artistic education establishments, which will have until June 9, 2024 to submit their votes via the competition's internet platform.

The announcement of the results of this vote will take place during an award ceremony at the end of June 2024.

The work with the most votes in each category will be awarded a prize. A special "Hélianthe" prize will be awarded by the pre-selection jury.

The three winning composers will see their works published by Note en Bulle editions and will receive an order of €1,000, the creation of which will take place during the fifth edition of the competition.

you are a composer

Compose an educational work for solo or accompanied alto saxophone maintaining a link with another artistic discipline in one or both categories organized to win an order of 1000€.

The three winning Pieces will be published by Note en Bulle editions.

Check out the detailed rules and sign up. As soon as you register, you can take advantage of the advice of the competition's volunteers, all saxophone teachers.

Submit your Music piece before April 30, 2023 with a registration fee of 10€ per piece.

You are a saxophone class

Organize the contest within your class

In any form you want, get each student to vote for their favorite piece.

saxophone classes, theoretical musical classes or other, listen, create, criticize, debate and make your choices! Each student and teacher has one vote and their vote will determine the winners of the contest.

You will be able to register on the competition platform from June 27, 2023.

Registration fees (30€ for one category, 50€ for both categories) give you access to the recordings and the music paper of the ten finalists (available for download from June 2018).

You will have until June 9, 2024 to register your vote on the contest platform.


Soutenez-nous !

Participez au jury du concours et favorisez la création artistique !

The winners

1 - Mathieu Cepitelli - Quatre miniatures tango
pour saxophone alto, piano et danse
2 - Nicolas Even - A minima
pour saxophone alto et piano (ou accordéon)
Prix Hélianthe - Pascal Lorenzini - Sweet Burning Home
pour saxophone alto, percussion et vidéo
1 - Olivier Costa - Mégétal
pour saxophone alto, marimba et percussions
2 - Valentin Capdevila - Vers le large
pour saxophone alto, piano et vidéo
Prix Hélianthe - -
1 - Vincent Balivet - Pandémonium
pour saxophone alto et bande ou ensemble rock
2 - Maria Mendoza - Devil's Dance
pour saxophone alto et piano
Prix du public - Lukas Emile Lerouge Emmanuel - Mystic Rave
pour saxophone alto et bande-son électro

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